If we could only press pause and stop criticising, blaming and comparing ourselves to others we’d be on to a winner and start making progress.

Is there a goal that you really want to achieve ………..?
Improved fitness?
Better body shape?
Increased energy levels?
Loving relationship?
Learning a foreign language?
Promotion at work?
Next grade piano?
…….. But does something just seem to ‘get in the way’ for you and it’s not happening quick enough?!

Maybe you regularly procrastinate?
Perhaps you get easily distracted?
Possibly somedays it’s just too overwhelming?
Or, you doubt you really deserve it?
Getting out of our own way
Whatever is in your way, we get it – it happens to all of us. The only difference is how much, how long and how often we choose to procrastinate, get overwhelmed, self-doubt or sabotage what we wish to achieve. Where on a scale of 1 to 10 would you be right now?

The comparison trap
Our ego can get so focused on what would she or he or they be doing and all we do is compare ourselves to someone else rather than focus on what WE are doing and that good things ARE working out for us but that we don’t choose to acknowledge them.
At SlimFit Coach I help many of our clients to work with their own ego and quit beating themselves up and staying in a whirlwind of doubt by replacing their behaviours with more effective ones.
Change is possible
By changing our behaviours we can move forward.
1) Replace Self Criticism with MORE SELF PRAISE (on a daily basis praise yourself for one thing)
2) Replace blaming yourself or others with SOLUTIONS – come up with ideas on what you are able to do
3) Focus on what you have, and not on what you HAVEN’T GOT
4) Replace impatience with MORE SELF BELIEF (say out loud this mantra ‘things are working out for me in their own time’)
5) Replace comparing yourself to others with more ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of your own SKILL SET (quit trying to be someone else – when you are meant to be YOU)

Start exactly where you are at right now
Start with loving who YOU are right now, what YOU do and what YOUR body can do and it will love you back ….. you are UNIQUE and can only be a better version of YOU, no-one else. Everyone else is already taken.
Book a complimentary coaching call (drop me a message via the Contact page) to explore how I can help you to Get Out Of Your Own Way.